I am Jason Maher, freelance designer, developer, content creator. Specializing in creating accessible, inclusive content, for people with disabilities.
This is a small selection of some of the work I have done over the last couple of years.
Take a look, reach out and contact me if you think I might be able to help you with your project.
I have worked in design and development for more than 25 years, in that time I have worked across a variety of media including online, digital, print and broadcast. Performing an equally diverse set of tasks such as Creative Director, Art Director, Producer, Designer, Artist, Photographer, Videographer etc.
Variety is one of my favourite aspects of the job.
For a deeper look into my past, check out my Resume
I create content, sometimes that means I am a videographer, or photographer, or illustrator, designer, developer etc. Whatever needs to be done to tell the story, or get the message across.
Typically I work with a small content group to develop the script and then we look for a few actors, choose some locations and get to shooting.
Not all of what I do is video, it just seems to be what everyone is looking for these days.
A brief example of some of the videos I have created. To have a look at the longer versions of all of these clips check out the ConnectABILITY YouTube channel
This site has been designed to support people with an intellectual disability. There are over 300 Articles/tipsheets, 200+ videos, interactive tools and a powerful set of communication tools.
This by far is the longest I have ever worked on a single project.
A website and some interactive learning modules designed for the Child Minder. Corporate branding, including setting up business templates.
The Journey from Institutionalization – Hear and learn about engaging and diverse projects that are addressing institutionalization and supporting survivors and people who have an intellectual disability to lead meaningful lives in the community.
Birds Make Me Think About Freedom – Created by L’Arche Toronto’s Sol Express, reflects on our humanity inspired by the stories of people institutionalized for being labeled with developmental disabilities, their families, and friends.
DiscoverMyRoute is a travel training program for adults with an intellectual disability.
Design and produce: 8 Student lesson books, 8 Powerpoint lessons, Instructors Handbook, 6 Videos, Website, Marketing materials
A board game focused on teaching the values of inclusion in the classroom.
Over the years I have worked to provide video and presentation services for a few of the agencies in the sector.